Abdominal Liposuction,Flank/Love Handle Liposuction,Thigh Liposuction,Hip/Buttock Liposuction,Arm Li
Dr. Joffrey who learned tumescent liposuction from the pioneers of liposuction, uses tumescent anesthesia on all cases. General anesthesia is NEVER used and all procedures are done in the office. Moreover, Dr. Joffrey is part of the new generation of liposuction surgeons who is creating a new revolution in liposuction surgery. He is a national instructor of laser liposuction and has patented what many experts call the greatest advancement in liposuction since the tumescent technique, Waterlipo™. Waterlipo™ is the newest technology in minimally invasive, permanent fat removal. It is done in the office without general anesthesia or IVs.. Waterlipo™ uses a gentle stream of water to dislodge fat that is then gently washed out of the body
Keywords: Abdominal Liposuction, Flank / Love Handle Liposuction, Thigh Liposuction, Hip / Buttock Liposuction, Arm Liposuction, Neck/Chin Liposuction, Back and Bra Area, Male Breast Liposuction